World Bank Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Government of India Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education

About Project

The Ecosystem Services Improvement Project (ESIP) supports the goals of the GIM by demonstrating models for adaptation-based mitigation through Sustainable Land and EcosystemManagement and livelihood benefits.ESIP will introduce new tools and technologies for better management of natural resources, including biodiversity and carbon stocks.ESIP will change the way of monitoring land degradation and desertification at the national level by setting up a web-based national system.

ESIP is being implemented in the states of Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh and cover 10,000 ha for forest quality improvement and an additional 25,000 ha coveragefor scaling up of Sustainable Land and Ecosystem Management Best Practices in common property resource land/ private land /Non-Forest land.


Project Objective: To improve forest quality, land management and Non-Timber Forest Produce (NTFP) benefits for forest dependent communities in selected landscapes in Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh.


Funding Agency:  The World Bank - Global Environment Facility Trust Fund


Project Duration: The project duration is five years (from July 2017 to July 2022)


Project Beneficiaries: Approximately, 25,000 people, comprising forest dwellers, small landholders, marginal farmers, and landless livestock holders, will be direct beneficiaries of the project at the community level in the states of in Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh.


The indirect beneficiaries will be a larger population of these states which will benefit from improved forest quality and ecosystems services such as improved water flows, climate amelioration, and land productivity. At the district/ block level, the Forest Development Agencies are the key beneficiaries of capacity enhancement and supporting tools. At the state level, the State Forest Departments is the main beneficiaries of strengthened institutional capacities, new technologies, and enhanced carbon measurement and monitoring systems.



ESIP Implementing Units:

1. State Forest Department of Madhya Pradesh

2. State Forest Department of Chhattisgarh

2. Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education (ICFRE), Dehradun


ESIP Management Unit: Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Government of India.


Role of ICFRE in ESIP:

At ICFRE, the projects have been implemented by the Director, International Cooperation. Director (IC) is Nodal Officer and Project Director ESIP at ICFRE to anchor and steer the project. ADG (Biodiversity and Climate Change) has also the responsibility of Project Manager in respect of ICFRE components, which includes Component 3 related to SLEM and Component 2.1 pertaining to carbon measurement. ICFRE is administratively report to the PMU at the MOEFCC. ICFRE is responsible of implementing sub components 1.2 of component 1 and component 3 besides project management.

Designed & Developed By : IT Division, ICFRE HQ